or how to love the Orphic Egg Yolk

I wrote a blogpost last year about cute aggression, wanting to address Yukkuris, Fluffies and Jissousekis as abused cute things. This subsequent article is in a similar vein, pertaining to guro as erotism.
The grotesque is not a proper aesthetic genre as much as it fancies itself a moralfag filter. It is a mode of cogitation, musing and reaction that transgresses the taboo. It is a process through which we bring ourselves closer to continuity and unload a much natural need. This is to say guro ought to be seen as an inevitable end in itself.
Early 2021 saw the Kolyma Network integrate Gurochan to their extensive list of imageboards. Kuznetsov notwithstanding, I immediately thought to look in there for "culture". I could not pass over unfiltered content a click away — content that was scrubbed off browsing engines for good and much of which was permeating the old, decentralized web. Any search could get you caught up in a patchwork of hotlinks to red rooms, ISIS footage and dodgy cartel videos; but not once did my casual strolls across the topical web landscape stray off to a dedicated gore page. The traumatic childhood experiences zoomers grieve on their favorite ADHD app were not something I could relate to and brag about too. Though at last, a couple years later, Fairy-Guidance would finally let me in on the fun.
Perhaps, how diverse the thread thumbnails were and how long I had to flick the scroll wheel before reaching the bottom of the catalog echoes something about our perverse wants.
The flesh-colored CSS grid was awash with #880000 bloodstains. Heads rolled and dunked in pools of thick carmine gore and bile.
Anime girls look you straight in the eye as your POV hands hack into their throats and diaphragm with a serrated knife, gushing forth an impression of organic regalia.
Hentai pornography mingled with the unpleasant, tingly perspective of manslaughter.
This imageboard had proven fertile ground for all sorts of body horror iconography, with a small artistic fringe churning out material for the onlooker's enjoyment.
It was offensive. It was vile. But it roused an instinct rooted deep within—the fascination for death.
- Georges Bataille
Man is an extraneous irrational being. We were hatched into this foreign world and cast away from the symposium of spirit for some length of time. One of the many rights we hold is duplicating through intercourse, ensuring the discontinuity of life. Just as our natural calling is rooted in life, something in us is equally longs for the hour approaching. For that matter, death is what imports us back into the cycle of continuity and makes us closer to our character as beings. In the same essence, libertine activity bridges that gap. The shift to eroticism entails a total abrogation of the superstructure. Passion in its extreme manifestations sets its sights for the irrational. Moeurs and social conventions that weigh heavily on our minds become void.
Eroguro aims to capture the raw excesses that lie repressed at the core of our being, unauthored, unauthorized, augmented. The grotesque emulates the death-tendency that resides within us much unlike other forms of art that reflect external reality, tapping into our innate attraction to taboo and danger. Through this particular pornographic material, we are granted an audience with these powerful forces within ourselves. It allows us to explore and embrace the deeper aspects of our being that we may otherwise keep hidden.
The Phanes snake coils around the Orphic egg, clutching it as it loops over. The snake embodies the wiles of vice, the cunning creature that deceived Eve, the jagirinawa that bound my waifu. The snake is that which lies outside the world and which tempts you into continuity. The snake is Eros. When life gives you eggs, crack them and stare intensely at the yolks you've made bare, for you are the serpentine subject.
Gurochan is not the only website to exclusively host guro material. In fact, there is a booru for that very matter that I found not long after, maybe even more active than the imageboard. For all intents and purposes, there will always be a medium of sublimation for those urges. If Sade lived today, he would've probably lurked there.